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 Mindfulness for the Active Mind

Helping you to be more present and focused in your everyday life, even when you're busy.


I offer a variety of mindfulness coaching services for people who want to learn how to be more present and focused in their everyday lives, even when they're busy.

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A personal approach to helping people reach that which they need in life from a mindful percpective.


I offer a variatie of yoga classes, 
consisting of a personal interpretation of Vinyasa yoga.


Mens festival,  - weekends, - cirkels.
I'm passionate about helping men become beter; fathers, brothers, sons, partners, and friends.

The Benefits of Mindfulness Coaching for the Active Mind

Increase self-awareness

Make better decisions

Improve your relationships

Be more present and engaged in your activities

Improve focus and concentration

Live a more fulfilling life

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